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Page 4
Jose shrugged and walked around to the back of the desk. He bent to open a wooden door near his feet, and with a low grunt, pulled out a hidden phone.
Alex's heels clicked on the sidewalk as she hurried away from Nick Diamond's shoddy office. She wished a cab would come by and whisk her away from this part of town. There were bad memories here. A clap of thunder rumbled overhead, warning her it would begin raining soon. She didn't care. Right now she just wanted to calm down and decide what to do next, now that El Capitan had turned her down.
What should she do? Go back to the police or to Father Ramon? Feeling panic growing within her, Alex feared she was on the verge of hysteria. A drop of rain hit her arm, and she frantically stuffed the newspaper article deep inside her purse to protect it.
"You're going to get soaked, you know. It'll be pouring soon."
Alex looked up as Nick Diamond fell into step with her. She had been so deeply absorbed in her own thoughts, she hadn't even heard him coming behind her. He was impressively tall, she noticed, as they walked together. His shoulders were level with her ears, and that wide-brimmed sombrero he wore made him seem even taller.
She stared ahead and ignored his comment. Right now she didn't care if she got wet, or anything about this El Capitan, Nick Diamond. She only cared about Jenni and how to find her.
A crazy thought struck Alex. Was Jenni getting wet this minute? Was she hearing the thunder and frightened by unfamiliar sights and sounds? Was she hiding nearby? Alex clamped her teeth together, determined not to cry in front of this arrogant man.
"I'd like to know what happened that day in the marketplace. Let’s take refuge in that cantina. We could have a cup of coffee and talk," he offered quietly.
She continued walking ahead and raindrops started to pelt her head and shoulders. Was he making a pass? Or was he offering to help? "Are you saying I was wrong about you?" she asked, looking up at him.
"No, your assessment of me is about as accurate as any. I'm certainly no hero. And compassionate is not a word used to describe me."
"Then what do you want with me?"
"Well, we could have some coffee and—"
"It's too hot for coffee."
"A fruit ice, then. We could talk about—"
Impatiently, she said, "Talk, Mr. Diamond?" She grasped at a shred of hope that he was considering her plea. "I need help."
"Look, I . . ." He put his hands in his pockets and hunched his broad shoulders against the pelting rain. At least he was protected somewhat by the sombrero. The rain was hitting her unmercifully, and she didn't even flinch. "We could talk about the kid. I'll see if there's anything I can do."
Alex stopped and faced him. Now he was talking turkey. Large raindrops bathed her face and smeared her mascara at the corner of each eye.
"Would you listen to my story? Will you try to help me, Mr. Diamond?"
He gazed down at her, tempted to wipe the smudges from her big eyes. Big, beautiful eyes, he thought. "I'll try. No rash promises, though. We'll talk about the situation." Her mouth looked incredibly appealing, especially as it was moist from the rain. She opened it slightly in a slow, hesitant smile. Her hair hung in tawny wet strands to her shoulders and dripped on her blouse. Nick tried not to notice how the damp blouse clung to the rounded curves of her breasts. Nice breasts.
"Yes! All right! Thank you, Mr. Diamond!" Alex grabbed his hand and pumped it up and down jubilantly. "Thank you for trying to find my child."
He held onto her hand a little longer than necessary and they stood staring at each other in the rain for a moment. "If we're going to work together on this, call me Nick."
"Okay . . . Nick." Her eyes crinkled as she smiled up at him through the raindrops. "Call me Alex."
Even in the rain, with her wet hair now plastered to her head, she looked beautiful. At that moment Nick would have done anything she asked him, but what he wanted to do was take her to bed. "Damned monsoons started early this year. You're soaked."
Alex felt a little breathless as she smiled up at him through the rain. "So are you. Sorry about dragging you out in this." The man was a symbol of strength, a hope she could cling to. Maybe he wasn't completely corrupt, after all. He certainly had an aura of efficiency about him. He would take charge. "Let's get out of the rain so we can talk. You grab a table with an umbrella, and I'll get us the fruit ice."
In a few moments they were huddled cozily under a blue canvas umbrella. "Tell me what happened that day. The day of the wreck," Nick began, scooting closer to her side of the table.
Alex took a sip of her fruit-flavored ice and took a deep breath. This would not be easy, but she knew it was necessary. She would probably have to tell her story a hundred times, but she was willing, if it brought her closer to getting Jenni back. "My housekeeper, Teresa, and I went to the market Saturday. I had planned a party for some friends from the University that night and wanted to get the freshest fruit. One of Teresa's friends was supposed to keep Jenni, but her mother got sick at the last minute. So, we took the baby with us." She stopped suddenly and pressed her fingers against her lips.
"What's wrong?"
"It all seems so insignificant now. The reasons for going to the market, the party . . . everything. I'm sorry. I promised myself I wouldn't do this." She pressed at the outer corners of her eyes to diminish her tears.
He kept his businesslike reserve and tried to remain detached. "Take your time." She used the napkin to dab at her eyes, missing some of the smudged mascara in the process. He wanted to grab that napkin and finish the job.
"Well," she continued when she was more composed, "a car came around the corner. It was green."
"What make? Did you notice?"
She considered for a moment. "Chevy, I think. But old."
"You're a good observer. Most people wouldn't remember."
"Are you testing me? This is the truth as I know it."
"No," he laughed. "Just wondered how much you remembered in a time of stress. Go ahead with your story."
"The car crashed into everything in its path, including us. I ... I lost sight of Jenni. Then there was Teresa, lying on the sidewalk, unconscious—"
"Were you knocked out too?"
"I don't remember. Maybe for a few seconds."
"When did you start looking for Jenni?"
She paused, again remembering. "Five minutes. Maybe a little longer. I asked one of the bystanders to get her. But she wasn't there."
"Have you talked to her friends? Maybe some member of Teresa's family has Jenni and intends to take care of her."
Alex shook her head sadly. "There is no family. Teresa was from Naranjo, where her mother was killed when the volcano erupted a few years ago. There was no one else. She had no husband. I don't even know the father of her child. I took care of her funeral. Teresa's local friends have been questioned by the police. No one has seen Jenni. She has completely disappeared."
He shook his head tightly. "I just can't buy that. She's somewhere. Someone has her."
"Do you ... do you think she's safe?" Alex asked hesitantly, her vulnerable side revealing her real concern. The loving, nurturing part of her, the part that cared deeply for the well-being of this child, wanted reassurances.
Nick didn't fail to notice it. He smiled, sensing that she needed a positive answer, deciding to keep his doubts to himself for now. "Of course," he replied.
Alex sighed and squeezed her hands into fists. "I hope so. Oh, God, I hope so. We've got to find her! And soon!"
The urgency in her voice again told him of deeper feelings than one might normally have for a housekeeper's child. "You mentioned earlier that you had to find your child. Alex, is she your child?"
She smiled as tears began to fill up her large blue eyes. "No, she isn't mine. But I was there when Teresa gave birth, and feel very close to her. I'm Jenni's godmother. She has always lived with me. She was like my child, and I ... I love her. I must find her because I want her, want to adopt her."
Nick n
odded curtly and looked away from Alex's tears. "Okay. We'll see what we can do. You understand, though, there isn't much to go on here."
Alex quickly flicked the tears away. Now wasn't the time to get sentimental, not when she was so close to acquiring the help she needed. She had to be tough. "I understand. Where should we start? Maybe with this." She slid an envelope beneath his tanned fingertips. "I don't know how much you normally charge for something like this, but I'll do the best I can. Here is a retainer fee, and I'll pay you more later."
"Huh?" Nick's eyes dropped to the table, then angrily sought hers. "I told you, Alex, I'm not a private eye. I don't normally do this sort of thing, therefore, there is no fee." He pushed the envelope back toward her.
"Then we'll negotiate as we go along. I want this to be a business deal, with money exchanged. I'm serious about wanting that child found." Her sharp eyes caught his, level and hard. "I'm hiring you, Nick."
"No money," he asserted. "I can't take money for this."
"Don't get maudlin on me, Mr. Diamond. I know you couldn't possibly give a damn about Jenni. If I didn't put up the money, you wouldn't be looking for her. I thought you said we had a deal. So far, it seems like you're humoring me. I want someone to work for me. Someone who will use every resource possible, including money, to find Jenni."
"The name's Nick, remember?" he said tersely. "We're still at the talking stage. Talk and time are cheap, and that's where we start."
"Damn it, we'll never get any further than talk with your attitude. I'm sorry, Mr. Diamond." She reached for the envelope and began to rise. "I want action, not talk. We're running out of time."
His hand shot out and snapped the envelope from her fingers. "Damn woman! You are impossible. I’ve got your money. Now, sit down."
"If you think you're going to talk to me like that, you're crazy." She took another step in the rain.
"Alex!" His other hand grabbed her arm. "Do you want my help?"
Her eyes lifted to his, questioning their sincerity. For a second his eyes pinioned her. She read more than sincerity in them, something fiery and combustible. More like controlled animal lust, she told herself, but decided not to repel him further. She needed his help too much. "Yes."
"Then sit down. Please."
Dropping her eyes from his riveting gaze, Alex sat. In a quiet tone she said, "Okay. We'll try again, Nick. Now, where should we start with this search?"
He pulled his chair a little closer to hers and grumbled, "Uh, let’s see. We should start by questioning those closest to Teresa and your home, then branch out."
"But the police have already done that."
"Well, I'd like to conduct my own inquiry." Nick controlled his breath and his temper. Damn her, anyway. Who was this woman, pushing him into something he had no business doing, then telling him how to do it.
"Could we start now?" she asked eagerly. "The rain's almost over."
"First, do you have a photo of her? One I can keep?"
"Yes, right here." Alex fumbled in her purse and drew out a child's snapshot.
Nick looked at the photo of a very pretty Mexican child with large dark eyes and soft curls that framed a small face. She smiled jauntily at the camera.
"This picture was taken at school," Alex explained.
"Do you have others? A more somber shot?" Nick knew that if they found the child, she probably would not be smiling. However, he didn't want to say that to Alex.
Alex turned a puzzled look at the snapshot in his hand. "I thought this was the best one. But I'll see. What's wrong with it?"
"Nothing. I'd just like to have another. You said this picture was taken at school?" Nick continued. "She doesn't look old enough for school."
"Jenni's not quite two. She's enrolled in a preschool program for toddlers at the University. I took her to work with me three days a week and her mother picked her up after lunch."
"So she was exposed to a lot of people?"
"Yes, Jenni's very bright," Alex said proudly. "We feel she should be exposed to as much as possible. That's all part of the learning process."
"Sounds as though she almost had two mothers."
Alex nodded silently. "Almost."
"Can you tell me anything else about her? Anything unusual or interesting. Any scars or handicaps?"
Alex studied for a moment. "She's bilingual."
"Bilingual? She talks?" A frown deepened in Nick's forehead. Everything Alex had said so far could work against their chances of ever finding this child. But he couldn't say that. Alex's blue eyes were already too full of pain. And he was fighting hard to stay objective.
"She has a good vocabulary for an eighteen month-old child. Jenni's mother spoke Spanish, and I speak both Spanish and English, so it was only natural for Jenni to pick up words from both languages. I told you, she's very bright. Anything else you need to know?"
"No, that should just about do it for a start."
"Then let's go."
"First, I'd like for you to make me a list of everyone who knew Jenni. Especially those who might have a reason for wanting to take her . . . and keep her."
Alex looked shocked. "Who would want to do something so cruel and heartless?"
He drew the words out slowly. "Think about this from the opposite perspective, Alex. Who would desperately want a child? Someone, perhaps, who's lost a child recently; or someone who's lost another loved one and needs the unconditional affection a child can give; or maybe someone who lost a baby at birth." He wondered did he dare add "or someone who wants to make money"?
"But you're talking about almost everyone I know," Alex nearly wailed.
Nick leaned closer. "Desperate is the key word, Alex. Someone who's desperate. Who would want a child badly?"
She sighed. "Well, I don't know about that. I'll have to think."
"Go home and make me a list. Think about it. We can meet tomorrow and discuss—"
"Tomorrow? Why not today? Now! The rain's almost stopped."
She was rushing him again. "Give me a chance to investigate this on my own," Nick said slowly. "I'd like to check out a few things and I'll be back in touch. Tomorrow, I promise."
There was distinct disappointment in her face, but Alex smiled faintly. "You know, you're sounding more and more like a private eye. Are you sure that's not your business?"
He shrugged and returned the grin. "I've just seen lots of Law and Order reruns. I'll need your phone number."
Alex scribbled her number on a slip of paper then handed it to him. "Well, I'd better go make that list." Although Alex preferred to sit and talk with the enigmatic Nick Diamond, she stood up and tried to straighten her drenched and rumpled clothes.
"I'll call soon, Alex." He offered her his hand.
She took it and smiled warmly. "Thank you . . . Nick. I’m glad you decided to help me.” Her indigo eyes grew soft, and she looked at him frankly. “I've changed my mind about you. You aren't the mercenary Yankee I originally thought you were. Maybe more of hero material."
Nick laughed off her admiring gaze. "Don't fool yourself, Alex. I'm no hero."
She gazed at him stubbornly, her eyes defying his remarks. "Oh, yes you are, Nick Diamond. You're the only one who’s willing to help. That’s hero material to me."
“I’ll try.”
“You’ll do it. I know you will.”
Nick stood in the rain, watching her hail a cab. He was somewhat dumbfounded by her assertion. It was like a mandate he had to live up to.
As she got into the cab, he rubbed the scar on his cheek reflectively. Alex Julian was a damned attractive woman, good legs, nice body, beautiful eyes, just the kind of woman who might be sent to seduce him. He wondered if he was risking his hard-earned reputation by agreeing to meet her again. He'd have Jose check her out. Knowing his wily Mexican partner, Nick figured Jose would want to shadow her.
As the cab pulled away from the curb, Alex glimpsed the masculine and mysterious El Capitan. His damp peasant clothes clung to his triangular f
rame, emphasizing broad, prominent shoulders and narrow hips. After meeting him, she couldn't believe he was as shady a character as the rumors would have her believe. He was even appealing. Not handsome in the classical sense, but strong and powerful and rugged. He exuded a kind of raw masculinity she found impossible to ignore. Plus, he had resources.
Alex felt a distinct sense of exhilaration for the first time in days. She had accomplished what she set out to do. Nick Diamond was going to help her find Jenni! Yes!
But the exhilaration was short-lived, as other questions crowded her mind. Why did this man agree to help her? It certainly wasn't money he was after. He never even looked at the envelope he'd tucked inside his shirt. Was it the plight of Jenni, a poor homeless waif? Or because Alex was an American ... a woman? Could Nick be trusted? According to rumor, she should beware.
Nick’s partner, Jose tapped a pen on the notepad before him. "Her story checks out. At least, so far. The Mexican woman who was killed was her maid. And the woman had an illegitimate daughter about a year and a half ago."
Nick listened as he changed clothes in the adjoining bedroom of the upstairs flat. "What about her job? Any subversive activities?" He slid his long, muscular legs into a clean, dry pair of jeans and zipped them.
"Works at the University in the Early Childhood Department as an exchange professor from Arizona State. Does a good job. Speaks fluent Spanish. Works well in the field." Jose clicked off Alex's brief history in Mexico. "Her job's in jeopardy."
"Why?" Nick buttoned the clean camisa across the breadth of his chest and left it hanging casually outside his waist.
"Tight budget at the University. Her department will probably be cut. Some teachers presented a petition to the president today. Threatened to strike."
Nick raised his dark eyebrows. "Is she a part of that?"
"No. She attended a funeral today."
"Can I trust her, Jose?"
"If you can trust yourself, Capitan." Jose smiled intuitively as he leaned against the door frame, his powerful body filling the doorway. "Just don't look too deeply into the senorita's eyes."